

Table of contents


Union Find Series

Disjoint Sets


function kruskals(gNodes, gFrom, gTo, gWeight) {
// Need union find (disjoint set data-structure for the solution)
function UnionFind(count) {
this.roots = Array(count);
this.ranks = Array(count);
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
this.roots[i] = i;
this.ranks[i] = 0;
UnionFind.prototype.find = function (x) {
let root = x;
// Find the root of the component
const roots = this.roots;
while (roots[root] !== root) {
root = roots[root];
// Compress the path leading back to the root
// "Path compression"
// Gives amortized constant time complexity
while (root !== x) {
const next = roots[x];
roots[x] = root;
x = next;
return root;
UnionFind.prototype.union = function (x, y) {
const xr = this.find(x);
const yr = this.find(y);
if (xr === yr) {
const ranks = this.ranks;
const roots = this.roots;
const xd = ranks[xr];
const yd = ranks[yr];
if (xd < yd) {
roots[xr] = yr;
} else if (xd > yd) {
roots[yr] = xr;
} else {
roots[yr] = xr;
// have a list of edges with weights
const tree = [];
gFrom.forEach((el, i) => {
const edge = {};
edge.v1 = el;
edge.v2 = gTo[i];
edge.weight = gWeight[i];
// sort the edges in ascending order
tree.sort((a, b) => a.weight - b.weight);
const djSet = new UnionFind(gNodes);
let totalWeight = 0;
tree.forEach((edge) => {
// for each edge, find a root
const r1 = djSet.find(edge.v1);
const r2 = djSet.find(edge.v2);
// if edges don't belong to the same set
// unite them and increase total weight
// to find minimum spanning tree
if (r1 !== r2) {
totalWeight += edge.weight;
djSet.union(r1, r2);
return totalWeight;
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