
Breadth-First Search

Table of contents
  • Breadth-First Search
  • Finding Shortest Path
/* A Queue object for queue-like functionality over JavaScript arrays. */
var Queue = function() {
this.items = [];
Queue.prototype.enqueue = function(obj) {
Queue.prototype.dequeue = function() {
return this.items.shift();
Queue.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return this.items.length === 0;
* Performs a breadth-first search on a graph
* @param {array} graph - Graph, represented as adjacency lists.
* @param {number} source - The index of the source vertex.
* @returns {array} Array of objects describing each vertex, like
* [{distance: _, predecessor: _ }]
var doBFS = function(graph, source) {
var bfsInfo = [];
for (var i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
bfsInfo[i] = {
distance: null,
predecessor: null };
bfsInfo[source].distance = 0;
var queue = new Queue();
// Traverse the graph
// As long as the queue is not empty:
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
// Repeatedly dequeue a vertex u from the queue.
var current = queue.dequeue();
for (var j = 0; j < graph[current].length; j++) {
// For each neighbor v of u that has not been visited:
var neighbor = graph[current][j];
if (bfsInfo[neighbor].distance === null) {
// Set distance to 1 greater than u's distance
bfsInfo[neighbor].distance = bfsInfo[current].distance + 1;
// Set predecessor to u
bfsInfo[neighbor].predecessor = current;
// Enqueue v
// Hint:
// use graph to get the neighbors,
// use bfsInfo for distances and predecessors
return bfsInfo;

Finding Shortest Path

Castle On The Grid Breadth First Search grid shortest path

function minimumMoves(grid, startRow, startCol, goalRow, goalCol) {
// initialize a 2d matrix to track visited nodes and its parents
const visited = Array(grid.length)
.map((_) =>
.map((_) => ({ visited: false, parent: null }))
visited[startRow][startCol].visited = true;
// console.log(visited);
const rowQueue = [startRow];
const colQueue = [startCol];
let moves = 0;
let parent = null;
while (rowQueue.length !== 0) {
const row = rowQueue.shift();
const col = colQueue.shift();
if (row === goalRow && col === goalCol) {
parent = visited[row][col].parent;
exploreNeighbours(row, col);
// console.log(visited);
// backtrack to count moves
while (parent !== null) {
// console.log(parent);
parent = visited[parent[0]][parent[1]].parent;
return moves;
function exploreNeighbours(row, col) {
// north, south, east, west direction vectors
const dc = [0, 0, -1, +1];
const dr = [-1, +1, 0, 0];
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
let cc = col;
let rr = row;
while (true) {
cc += dc[i];
rr += dr[i];
// stop at out of bounds
if (cc < 0 || rr < 0) break;
if (rr > grid.length - 1 || cc > grid[0].length - 1) break;
// stop visited or blocked cells
if (visited[rr][cc].visited) continue;
if (grid[rr][cc] === "X") break;
visited[rr][cc].visited = true;
visited[rr][cc].parent = [row, col];
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